Tag Archives: GTA Mediator

The Power of Patience: Why Full-Day Mediations Work  

Mediations often require navigating a tangle of emotions, facts, and competing interests. This truth became vividly clear in a recent case I mediated—one that exemplifies why a full-day mediation can be crucial for resolving challenging disputes. The case began with a plaintiff who was taking things personally. They had high numbers in mind, driven not

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Achieving Success In Mediating Catastrophic Injuries

Originally published on OBA.org on November 02, 2023. Republished with permission. Personal injury cases involving catastrophic injuries can be some of the most hotly-contested actions in this field of law – and it’s little wonder why. Significant amounts of money – sometimes millions of dollars – are often on the line. For the plaintiff, the

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Make The Most Of Your Opening Statements At Mediation

Originally published in September 2022. Last updated October 2023. Often, counsel believes that openings at mediation are a “waste of time” that unnecessarily delay getting down to negotiating. Some lawyers believe they usually do more harm than good. I don’t agree. Although there may be certain cases or areas of law where opening statements are

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