Making The Most Of Half-Day Mediations & Questions To Ask After Each Mediation

Blog Post: Making The Most Of Half-Day Mediations

This month, I’m revisiting my post from July of 2020: Making the Most of Half-Day Mediations.

My key takeaways to a productive half-day mediation are the following:

  1. Select the appropriate case for a half-day
  2. Preparation is critical
  3. Make a Checklist of housekeeping items and complete it well in advance of the mediation
  4. Prepare your client Early and not during the mediation
  5. Openings – keep them concise and consistent with your mediation objectives
  6. Adjust your negotiating numbers to fit a half-day
  7. Be patient and keep an open mind.

To read the full post, click here.

Mediation Tip of the Month

After a mediation, it’s important to reflect on the experience and the outcomes! This will help you gain insights on what worked and what did not and how to achieve your objectives.

Here are a few key things to review and note:

  • How did the mediation go? How did you feel about the outcome?
  • How did the process go, any room for improvement?
  • Talk with others about your experience and ask for feedback
  • Consider what you did that worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved for next time

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